Carl Martin Johnson
Poet, Author, Slayer of Dragons
© Carl Martin Johnson, All rights reserved
By Carl Martin Johnson
Have you seen my sweetheart, friend?
She’s been gone for years.
But my search will never end.
I wander through my tears.
I don’t remember why she left.
I only know she’s gone.
Now I face each day bereft.
It’s hard to carry on.
I may never find her.
If I do, she may not want me.
She may have put me well behind her,
Yet she will always haunt me.
Perhaps she is not real.
Only a construct of my dreams.
Then this sadness that I feel
Is more pathetic than it seems.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Here I am, a man defined.
I live by honor’s code.
In my heart and in my mind,
I take the warrior’s road.
I am tolerant of your views,
If they don’t constrain me.
I’ll not abide abuse,
And will fight you though it pain me.
Stand firm here by my side,
Allied to my strong arm.
We will never hide.
Never run from harm.
Should there be those who hate me,
I won’t change or give a damn.
No matter what fates await me.
I will be me…..Here I am.
By Carl Martin Johnson
All women I will celebrate,
They have Life’s greatest worth.
Through woman do we reach our fate,
For it is she who gives us birth.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Jack Talbot was a wandering man.
He made the world his home.
He found beauty where only a poet can
In every land where he would roam.
He spread his words all over.
He lifted saddened hearts.
This happy poet rover
Made life better with his arts.
He changed souls with his verses,
Lines of hope and glory.
He scattered hardship’s curses
With Man’s uplifting story.
Then John Talbot died.
He would write no more.
Many people cried,
But Life was richer than before.
He left behind a word,
Entrusted from above.
Felt better than heard.
And that word was “Love”.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Come closer to me now.
I swear I’ll do no harm.
Loving well, I’ll show you how.
Let me be your magic charm.
I see beauty in your smile.
The spark of passion in your eyes.
Let me work with you a while.
I will fill you with surprise.
Let me whisper in your ear,
Magic words to capture hearts.
All men will hold you dear.
You’ll be master of loving arts.
Be my darling protégé.
Let me give you Eros’ power.
Then if you want me I will stay.
In our love’s sacred bower.
By Carl Martin Johnson
If I’m not here in the morning,
I give my love into your care.
Should Death come with no warning,
For love to die would be unfair.
It has grown to be our child.
We have nurtured it from birth.
I’ll not see our love defiled
Just because I leave this earth.
Keep it warm, safe and secure.
Hold it close to your emotion.
With our souls may love endure.
Kept alive by our devotion.
Once by true love bitten,
Its spell cannot be undone.
Somewhere that is written.
With us let it be done.
By Carl Martin Johnson
There’s a hill beside the Rio Grande.
On that hill’s a cottonwood tree.
Over a strong limb there it’s planned
To hang the life from me.
I rode for years this border wild.
I’ve robbed and killed my share.
So, God help this motherless child,
The price I’ll pay is fair.
I sit this horse and watch the sky.
Soon they’ll send me swinging.
I always knew how I would die.
That my neck would feel death’s stinging.
Funny how a boy like me
Went bad instead of good.
Guess it was just meant to be.
Don’t think I’d change it if I could.
Where I’m going I can’t tell.
Never been the prayin’ kind.
Maybe to nothin’….or to Hell.
I’ll find out what I find.
I best make this minute last.
Life won’t come back again.
I got no future, only past.
What I am is what I’ve been.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Hurry! The door is closing.
You might miss your chance.
Don’t let life catch you dozing,
Or you will miss the dance.
See the opening shrink.
But you can still slip through.
No time to stop and think.
Only time to do.
Jump quick and you can make it.
Right on through you’ll slide.
Joy lies beyond, so take it.
Life shines on the other side.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Fear gripped me, icy-fingered,
Spread tendrils ‘round my heart.
Terror came and lingered,
Tearing my resolve apart.
It clutched the coward in me,
Snatched it from its cave,
Letting weakness win me.
How could I be brave?
I stood still and frozen.
Would I betray my trust?
I was the sentry chosen.
Now it’s fight I must.
I see the enemy’s eyes.
He is closing for the kill.
He will take us by surprise
If I cannot find the will.
God, let my hot blood flow,
My icy heart unchain.
Set my sword in battle throe.
Ignoring my wounds’ pain.
If it’s now I die,
Let me die with valor.
So, Fear pass me by.
I despise your faintheart’s pallor.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Your body in love’s heat
I hold in celebration.
But the ecstasy most complete
Is our souls’ copulation.
By Carl Martin Johnson
Your lips against my skin
Set my loins afire.
Such delicious sin.
Such sensuous desire.
Your tongue across my chest
Tastes the hunger in my sweat.
With a spicy love we’re blessed.
We are in Eros’ debt.
Sweet flavors of pure lust
Excite our lover’s craving.
Our suppressed fires combust
Sending all our senses raving.
We savor every taste.
Each aroma gives us pleasure.
Nothing goes to waste
In this lovefeast that we treasure.
So, all of me devour,
And on your beauty I will dine.
We will feed our coupling’s power.
I’ll eat your passion, and you mine.
By Carl Martin Johnson
I pen verses that are not mine.
They arrive on angels’ breath.
Whispering to me words so fine
They let me see past death.